Marie Curie

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. She had general education and was taught some science by her father. She eventually left to Paris to continue her education. She then met Pierre Curie, a professor, and they married the following year. She became Professor of General Physics for the Faculty of Sciences. She was the first women to have this role. Together with her husband, Curie performed research on separating radium and understanding its therapeutic properties. She eventually died in France after radiation exposure. She received two Nobel Prizes; one in physics and one in chemistry. She also received a gift from President Hoover and her work has been recorded in many scientific journals.

I chose Marie Curie because she's probably the most recognizable scientist of the last century, and of several centuries. She has received many awards and is a role model for girls around the world. Her work has been very influential and has changed our understanding of radioactivity profoundly. She also invented the use of X-rays, which helps people everyday.